5 Things That Cause Drain Clogs

Clayton Turner • Sep 14, 2023

Ah, the dreaded drain clog! It starts off as a minor inconvenience—a slower drain, an unusual odor, perhaps—but it can quickly turn into a full-blown, unsightly mess. From backed-up kitchen sinks to toilet drain catastrophes, drain clogs are not just inconvenient; they can also pose serious health hazards and damage to your plumbing system. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We’ll not only tell you about the 5 items that cause drain clogs, but we’ll also arm you with knowledge on how to prevent and fix these problems. So, let’s dive in and unclog the mystery behind drain clogs!

5 Things that Cause Drain Clogs

F.O.G (Fat, Oil, Grease)

The notorious F.O.G trio—Fat, Oil, and Grease—are the leading contributors to kitchen drain clogs. They solidify upon cooling, sticking to the sides of your pipes and causing blockages. To fix this, try flushing the drain with hot water and vinegar, or use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Prevention is key: always dispose of grease properly by putting it in a separate container and using a drain strainer to catch any remnants.

Food Scrape

Next on our list is food scraps—think eggshells, coffee grounds, pasta, rice, and those pesky produce stickers. These items can accumulate over time, leading to problematic clogs. To tackle this, use a plunger or a mixture of hot water and baking soda. The best prevention? Use a sink strainer and dispose of food scraps in your compost or trash.

Feminine Products and Cotton Swabs

Flushing feminine products and cotton swabs down the toilet is a no-no. These items are not designed to disintegrate like toilet paper and can quickly lead to clogs. The remedy? A plumbing snake or a drain auger can usually tackle the job. Prevent future clogs by disposing of these items in a trash can.

Solid Objects

It sounds almost funny, but small solid objects like toys or jewelry can find their way into drains and create major clogs. To retrieve these items, try using a plumbing snake or a wet/dry vacuum. To prevent this, keep small objects away from sinks and toilets and use drain covers as an added safeguard.

Hair and Fur

The last culprit on our list is hair and fur. Over time, they bind with grease and other particles, leading to severe clogs. A drain snake or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar can often solve the issue. Use drain covers to catch hair and clean hairbrushes outside the bathroom to prevent clogs.

The Most Common Signs of Drain Clogs

Recognizing the early signs of drain clogs can save you from a lot of hassle and potentially costly repairs. Let’s delve into these common symptoms so you can tackle the problem before it escalates.

– Unusual Odors from the Sink or Drain: If you’re picking up an unpleasant smell from your sink or drain, consider it a red flag. Foul odors often indicate rotting food or other waste trapped in your pipes. This is one of the first signs that something is starting to go awry in your plumbing system, and you should address it as soon as possible.

– Toilet or Sink Bubbling or Gurgling: Hearing odd noises like bubbling or gurgling from your toilet or sink? This usually suggests that air is being trapped, often due to a partial blockage in the pipe. These sounds are essentially the plumbing system’s way of “crying for help,” signaling that it’s time for a proper cleaning or inspection.

– Water Back-Ups in the Shower, Bathtub, or Sink: Few things are as frustrating as standing in a pool of water while you shower or finding your sink filled with murky water. Back-ups like these are clear signs of a clogged drain. The water has nowhere to go due to an obstruction, leading to an unwelcome accumulation in your fixtures.

– Slow Drain: A slow-draining sink or tub might not seem like an emergency, but it’s a clear indicator that a clog is forming. Over time, these slow drains can develop into fully blocked pipes, leading to more severe issues such as overflows or pipe bursts.

– Water Leaks from the Toilet or Under the Sink: If you notice water pooling near your toilet base or under your sink, it could be due to a clogged pipe causing pressure buildup, leading to leaks. Not only is this a slip hazard, but it can also result in water damage to your home.

Dealing with a Persistent Drain Clog?

If your drain clogs are persistent, it’s time to call in the experts at Doug Turner Plumbing Co. With years of e xpertise in drain cleaning , opening, repair, and installations, we know how to get the job done right. We use professional drain cleaning methods that will resolve your issues efficiently. 

Looking for a long-term solution? We also offer hydro jetting services that powerfully clean your pipes, leaving them almost as good as new.

Ignoring drain clogs can lead to serious health hazards and costly damage. Don’t let a minor clog evolve into a major headache. If you’re in the greater Houston area of Texas and find yourself in need of professional assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Doug Turner Plumbing Co. We are here to resolve all your plumbing woes, keeping your home’s plumbing system running smoothly.

Call Doug Turner Plumbing Co. now and set up your appointment today !

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